
Central Otago's Finest

ÐÝÏÐÆåÅÆ is very proud to be a partner and the exclusive exporter for Leaning Rock Cherries, located in the heart of Central Otago.

Leaning Rock Cherries has been in operation since 1993, always with the intentions of exporting cherries. We have over 52 acres planted, with over 15 different varieties, and we supply New Zealand's freshest, finest quality export cherries.

Pete Bennie from Leaning Rock Cherries
A picture of one of the blocks at Leaning Rock Cherries

Due to our unique climate we produce the best cherries in the world.

The Central Otago region has a continental climate, characterized by hot summers and cold winters, which is conducive to the growth of high-quality cherries.

The dry, sunny weather during the summer months allows the fruit to ripen to perfection, while the cold winter temperatures help to improve the color and flavor of the cherries.

Additionally, the region's high altitude and low humidity levels help to reduce the risk of disease and pests. This allows us to use a specific, sustainable, eco-friendly, integrated pest and disease management system.

This programme allows us to export our cherries world-wide, with the highest degree of confidence.  

A bunch of Bing Cherries


Bings are large, dark and firm cherries that ship well and are high in anti-oxidants.

A bunch of Stella Cherries


Large dark red fruit of heart shape. Firm light red fleshed fruit glistens in time for Christmas picking

A bunch of Summit Cherries


Heart-shaped. Moderately firm, very sweet and aromatic, good flavor with a small stone

A bunch of Lapin Cherries


Roundish heart-shaped. Quite firm, sweet, juicy, slightly acid with good flavour.

A bunch of Lambert Cherries


Heart shaped, Firm, slightly fibrous, juicy and good flavor.

A bunch of Sweetheart Cherries


A large, bright red cherry maturing one week to ten days after Lapins (3 weeks after Bing). Sweetheart has a mild, sweet flavor and outstanding firmness. This heart-shaped cherry ships extremely well.