Hot-Fill ܰé

Some strawberry Ice Cream made from our Strawberry Puree

Our Specialty

Frupak specialises in manufacturing single strength fruit puree products by variety.

Our Product can be tailored to your requirements with different screen sizes, with or without preservative added.

Screen sizes range from 0.8mm to 3.0mm but other sizes are available on request.

Frupak currently manufactures fruit purees for use by manufacturers in the catering, bakery, confectionary, ice cream, baby food, brewing and beverage industries.


Apple purée

Single Strength Apple Purée is manufactured using either Braeburn, Royal Gala, Fuji, Granny Smith or Pink Lady.

These products are preservative free.

Standard screen sizes are 0.8mm and 1.6mm.

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Our apple puree on a board with cut apples
Our pear puree on a board with cut up pears

Pear purée

Single Strength Pear Purée is manufactured from fresh Hawke’s Bay pears.

Standard screen size is 0.8mm.

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Peach purée

Single Strength Peach Purée is manufactured exclusively from Hawke’s Bay peaches that are tree ripened and have a superior colour and flavour. We also produce a beautiful Golden Queen Peach Puree.

Standard screen sizes are 1mm and 3mm.

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A bottle of champagne next to our peach puree
A plum cake made from our plum puree

Plum purée

Single Strength Plum Purée is manufactured from Hawke’s Bay Black Doris, Omega or Billington plums. We offer a mixed plum purée on request.

Standard screen size is 1.6mm and 1mm is available upon request.

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Apricot purée

Single Strength Apricot Purée is manufactured using Hawke’s Bay apricots that are tree ripened and have a superior colour and flavour.

Standard screen size is 1mm.

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An apricot tart made using our apricot puree
a nectarine muffin made using our nectarine puree

Nectarine purée

Single Strength Nectarine Purée is made using a mixed variety of Hawke’s Bay nectarines.

Standard screen size is 1mm and 3mm is available upon request.

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Strawberry purée

Hot Fill "Seedless" Strawberry Purée made from Hawkes Bay grown strawberries.

This product has a rich pink colour and authentic flavour and texture, ideal for use in baking, brewing and dairy ice cream applications.

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a kapiti ice cream container made using our strawberry puree
A raspberry cocktail made using our raspberry puree

Raspberry purée

Hot Fill “Seedless” Raspberry Purée made from Hawkes Bay grown raspberries.

This product has a rich colour and beautiful flavour, ideal for most catering, baking and brewing applications.

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Blueberry purée

Hot Fill “Seedless” Blueberry Purée made from Hawkes Bay grown blueberries.

This product has an intense colour and beautiful flavour and texture, ideal for most catering, baking and brewing applications.

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Some blueberry yoghurt made using our blueberry puree
some boysenberry tarts made using our boysenberry puree

Boysenberry purée

Hot Fill “Seedless” Boysenberry Purée made from Nelson grown boysenberries.

This product has a rich dark colour and beautiful flavour and texture, ideal for most catering, baking and brewing applications.

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Other Seedless PuRées.

Feijoa Purée

Hot Fill "Seedless" Feijoa Purée is made from locally grown feijoas.

This product has a delicious taste and texture and is ideal for use in bakery, catering, brewing and non-alcoholic beverage applications.


Sweet Cherry Purée

Hot Fill "Seedless" Sweet Cherry Purée is made from dark cherry varieties sourced from Central Otago.

The flavours & colours achieved in this product range are superior to those available elsewhere!


Blackberry Purée

Hot Fill "Seedless" Blackberry Purée is made from Hawkes Bay grown blackberry.

Has an intense colour and beautiful flavour and texture, ideal for most catering, baking and brewing applications.


Other Products

A link to our Apple Juice NFC product pageA link to our Apple Pie Mix product page

Frupak welcomes opportunities to contract process products for customers.

With a wealth of technical experience combined with a versatile processing operation. Contract processing opportunities are available across a full range of processed fruit products.

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